How to Make Your Lips Appear Bigger Than They Really Are

Women who are not naturally blessed with nice fluffy lips tend use ways to make their lips appear fuller and pouty. While some methods such as lip enhancement in Perth are permanent, or at least, last longer, other methods are short quick fixes that can be done at home.
By using make up
If you have the right make up with you, anything is possible. You can use your make up kit to make your lips bigger before heading to your party or date. Just get a lip liner pencil of a color that is similar or close to the natural color of your lips.
LIP enhancement

Make an outline around your lips on the outside without leaving any spaces in between. Once this is done color the insides of the outline with the pencil. Now apply a light colored lipstick on top and add gloss to it.
By Lip Plumpers
There are lip plumpers that contain caffeine, cinnamon, pepper or other substances that stimulate the lips and irritate the skin. This draws more blood to the lips thus making them a bit fuller.
By Exfoliation
Apply some Vaseline on your lips and then rub around in small circles using a toothbrush. This will make your lips fuller and softer than before.

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