Types of Dermal Fillers Used For Treatment of Wrinkles, Creases and Aged Skin

Dermal fillers are injectable substances used for cosmetic procedures. These are employed to plump up lips, get rid of wrinkles and creases that run from the nose to either sides of the mouth and the creases that are present between the eyebrows. Dermal fillers prove to be great an alternative to the facelift procedure as they are cheaper and the recovery time is also less.
Types of Dermal Fillers
There are many types of dermal fillers which are being commonly used by skin clinics all around. Which type is suited depends on the demands of the person who wishes to undergo this procedure. The surgeon thus selects the best fit to be used in the procedure.
Human Fat
Since human fat is natural, it gets absorbed by the body and becomes its own. Usually the fat is taken from thighs or the abdomen, and once it gets cleaned, it is injected into the marked spots on the face. After the procedure the face looks swollen for a few days because surgeons inject some extra amounts of fat into the area. This is done to compensate for the fact that the body absorbs some amounts of the injected fat. Read More...

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